Category: Tips


Knowledge Shop: 2020-21 Federal Budget Road to Recovery?

Key initiatives include: Personal income tax cuts from 1 July 2020 A $4 billion ‘JobMaker’ Hiring Credit to encourage businesses to take on additional employees aged 16 to 35 years…


Knowledge Shop: How The 2020-21 Budget Effects Your Super

Superannuation accounts ‘stapled’ to an individual This reform will ensure individuals continue to use their existing superannuation fund when they change jobs. The fund will be “stapled” to the individual…


Knowledge Shop: JobMaker Hiring Credits – What we know so far

What We Know So Far JobMaker hiring credit announced in the 2020-21 Federal Budget. More details should be available soon and we’ll let you know as soon as we have…


Knowledge Shop: Preventing a Tsunami of Insolvencies

The Government has stepped in to prevent a wave of insolvencies when the COVID-19 support measures run their course in December 2020. Temporary insolvency and bankruptcy protections are in place…


Use an independent advisor who won’t charge an asset based fee.

John Giannicos